This blog is for all parents who seek to give their kids a healthier quality of life through proper nutrition and life hacks that promote a clean, non-toxic organic life style supporting behavioral & cognitive health, and competitive athletes.

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Why Pregnant Mother’s Matter Most



Why Pregnant Mother’s Matter Most

If you’re reading this, then you are probably one of the many that have a desire to learn more about the relationship of nutrition and health, especially related to your kiddo(s). Whether you already have kids or you are looking forward to having them one day, proper nutrition can set the stage for your child’s health status not only in childhood but long into their adult years. For example, nutrient deficiencies during pregnancy have been associated with greater risk of developing type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease in adulthood. Of course, this cannot be oversimplified since genetic susceptibilities also play a role in greater risk – something that we don’t have the ability to control. But since most of us do have some level of control over what food goes into our body, we become empowered when we understand that we have the ability to greatly impact the health of our child now and long into their future by making intentional healthy choices while they are young.


When should you start working on nutritional health – AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. Starting 6 months prior to becoming pregnant can offer all kinds of benefits to the health of your unborn child. Many women choose to run a nutrient panel test that gives them information on their nutrient levels. Nutrients are critical starting from conception to healthy development of the fetus, and proper growth of various life stages including infants, toddlers, children and teens. In fact, folate is such a critical nutrient to prevent neural tube and midline defects that in 1998 the U.S Food and Drug Administration began requiring manufactures to add folic acid to commonly eaten foods like cereals, bread, pastas, rice and other grain products. Unfortunately most of our foods are low in nutrients due to processing procedures leaving us consuming a lot of empty calories, food chemicals (many of which are toxic), imbalanced macronutrients and too much sugar all which have been associated to childhood and adult diseases.



I’m sure for most of you, I’m preaching to the choir, but if you are new or have not considered the importance of nutrition and clean living to the health of your child and even yourself, you have come to the right place! Whether you believe it or not – YOU ARE WORTH IT TOO! We look forward to helping you understand the power that you have when you choose healthier living. You are preventing disease and maximizing the health of your children and your own body. We have a lot to dig into, so let’s get started!



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Coach Jody

gymnastics, health & wellness coach

This blog is for all parents who seek to give their kids a healthier quality of life through proper nutrition and life hacks that promote a clean, non-toxic organic life style supporting behavioral & cognitive health, and competitive athletes.

 I look forward to Helping you and your kids grow, develop and learn with intention, patience and LOVE!


Coach Jody

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