This blog is for all parents who seek to give their kids a healthier quality of life through proper nutrition and life hacks that promote a clean, non-toxic organic life style supporting behavioral & cognitive health, and competitive athletes.

To Grain, or Not To Grain? That Is The Question

To Grain, or not to Grain?…That is the Question Well if to grain or not to grain is the question, then what is the answer? I could give you a quick yes or no but then you may not hang around for the real “chaff” of the matter. Ha Ha. This is a fairly interesting […]

Getting Started With Your Kids Nutrition…You Can Do It!

  Getting started What I hear the most when I first start working with clients is how intimidating changing up their diet routine is, especially busy, stressed out, strapped for time moms. People generally have a feeling that taking steps toward bettering their family’s health habits is… just… too… hard. Sometimes I feel like I […]

What is Inflammation and What can I Eat to Help?


Why Pregnant Mother’s Matter Most

    Why Pregnant Mother’s Matter Most If you’re reading this, then you are probably one of the many that have a desire to learn more about the relationship of nutrition and health, especially related to your kiddo(s). Whether you already have kids or you are looking forward to having them one day, proper nutrition […]