This blog is for all parents who seek to give their kids a healthier quality of life through proper nutrition and life hacks that promote a clean, non-toxic organic life style supporting behavioral & cognitive health, and competitive athletes.

Why would you need a Health Coach?



When we find ourselves in times of health crisis, we often turn to our Doctors to draw labs and do health checks to see what is going on in our bodies, but how often do we address the daily choices that pushed us over into these terrible times? The doctors will give us great supplements, great treatments, great advice, but a health coach will help educate on the daily life factors that have accumulated to over-tax and burden the body. We are cheerleaders and educators to help people change the little things that matter most, such as:


  • Breakdown and educate on different diet protocols and walk clients through HOW TO eat for their body’s current needs. I make managing a diet makeover feel less overwhelming by customizing each diet to client preferences (taste buds lol) while helping them learn to listen to their body’s response. Nutrition prescriptions that doctors most often want me to use with clients include, Anti-histamine diet, Anti-Inflammatory diet, Dairy free diet, Elimination diet, Gluten free diet, Sugar free diet, Mold diet, Leaky gut support, and help removing processed foods from clients diet. I teach them about ingredients and how to read an ingredient list on a food label. I teach how to see beyond food marketing schemes so they are empowered to make the best choices for their body and take the stress out of grocery shopping!


  • Lifestyle Interventions are another important factor for everyone’s health journey. We often don’t realize that so many of our detailed daily choices can contribute to a health crisis. I love to help clients remove their toxic load, aid in drainage and support detoxification so their body can optimize the supplements and protocols that the doctors are prescribing for them. I love to spend the time on the details so the doctors don’t have to by educating clients on: sleep, EMF exposure, radiation exposure, harmful chemicals in food containers and cook-ware, using non-toxic cleaning and beauty products, educating and explaining how to do enemas, suggesting appropriate exercise, relaxation techniques, stress management and helping keep the client excited about their progress and feel supported between their doctor appointments.


  • I can see when other support is needed. I have a great network of healers to refer them to that includes, neuro-feedback, heart math, holistic clinical nutritionist, body and energy work, holistic and pediatric and adult chiropractor, pediatric and adult acupuncturist.


How the program works:

I will have a telemedicine visit with the client 1 to 2 times a month. Cost is $125 for 50 minutes.