This blog is for all parents who seek to give their kids a healthier quality of life through proper nutrition and life hacks that promote a clean, non-toxic organic life style supporting behavioral & cognitive health, and competitive athletes.

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Garbage IN, Garbage OUT-Burst

Garbage IN, Garbage OUT-Burst

I have been working with children (coaching competitive gymnasts) and their parents for over twenty years.  I love it so much. I love watching athletes work tireless hours for years in the gym to achieve their personal goals, and I love even more cheering with their parents over their kid’s accomplishments.


I love when athletes do what they thought was impossible and I get to witness the pride that emits from their face like the sun… I live for that moment. And then when I get to tell mom that they accomplished that skill that she has been wiping away tears for, listening for hours on end in the car about the fear and frustrations, the praying and hoping the kid will be able to do it… seeing that moment of joy and relief on the parents face is an even sweeter reward for me.



I feel just as passionate about helping parents change their kids’ lives through food. I see so many issues in kids that can be resolved with changing their diet, yet no one is aware of this, or suggesting this to parents.  Eating the right foods to support our bodies with the correct nutrient information is just as important (and helpful) as knowing if you want stronger arms, ya gotta do some push-ups lol.


If your kid needs help focusing in school, or at practice they need to eat to support their brain! Did you know that artificial colors, dyes and preservatives in food can increase hyperactivity in children, have a negative impact in children’s ability to learn, and is connected to a wide variety of symptoms like problems with attention, impulsivity, hyperactivity, executive function, and emotional and behavioral regulation!?! This is just the tip of the iceberg with these chemicals.


These toxins also disrupt the immune system, and have been linked to problems such as asthma, skin rashes, and migraines! How are our kids supposed to succeed in school and take on extra curricular activities, or kill it in demanding competitive sports with all that garbage in their bodies preventing them from functioning to the perfection that God created them to function! It’s just not going to happen.


Seeing kids struggle unnecessarily just kills me. A few month’s ago I was reading a friend’s Facebook post asking for advice about her toddler’s terrible tantrums, so I suggested to try removing sugar and gluten from her child’s diet and adding some magnesium… boy o’ boy other moms were so offended that I would suggest that this was anything other than “normal toddler behavior,” and in no way the mom’s fault. What I want to help people realize, is that while our kid’s behavior isn’t a reflection of our parenting, it can be reflection of what we are feeding them.


I feel so sad because behavior is just an expression of what is going on inside of them… so let’s stop poisoning our children!! Did you also know that gluten is tied to psychiatric co-morbidity in children and adults even without being diagnosed celiac, or that gluten causes leaky gut even if you don’t have sensitivity to it? We are what we eat, except that our kids are suffering and they don’t have a choice because WE ARE THE ONES FEEDING THEM!!!


We have to come to a place of care instead of convenience. Making food at home that comes from REAL ingredients. Our kids need more nutrients and fewer chemicals! There are better choices out there! And there are great tools and techniques to get our kids to eat them.



I’ll end this with a quote from Dr. Nicole Beurkens “Every single function that our brain and body need to perform on a moment-to-moment basis is fueled by the nutrient building blocks in the food we eat. A lot of kids are not eating diets that provide enough of those building blocks. And as a result, their development, health, and functioning suffer. That’s a really important principle for all parents and professionals to understand.”


This is why I want to show you how you can give your family a gluten free, dairy free, sugar free, overly processed chemical free life in a modern way!

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Coach Jody

gymnastics, health & wellness coach

This blog is for all parents who seek to give their kids a healthier quality of life through proper nutrition and life hacks that promote a clean, non-toxic organic life style supporting behavioral & cognitive health, and competitive athletes.

 I look forward to Helping you and your kids grow, develop and learn with intention, patience and LOVE!


Coach Jody

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